October 31st 2016
| Sedgewick never fails to produce, although some days are better than others. Today was a decent day - I had great light and a few birds around allowing a few good views. Quite a few Warblers around still including a lot of Yellow-rumped and singles of Blackpoll, Northern Parula and Orange-crowned. Unfortunately I didn't see the Parula today (but a friend did). Other species included Carolina Wren, Winter Wrens (2), Eastern Phoebe (2), House Finches, Ruby-crowned Kinglets (a few), Golden-crowned Kinglet (1) and American Robins (6). I met up with a friend there who showed me an image on his camera that he had taken today of a Northern Shrike, but unfortunately I didn't see. oh! well next time maybe |
October 30th 2016
October 26th 2016
Over the last few days I've been searching some of the local woodlots for nice dead logs (and somewhat light ... I had to carry them back to my vehicle), to setup a small photo setup at home. I was looking for something with a bit of fungus and/or some moss. In some of the pics opposite you can see sections of my "finds" which included a nice moss covered log and a section bark. So as fall sets in I no longer have to buzz around the province tracking down birds - I can now do this from the comfort of my house. I have setup a tripod in front of my patio doors looking out onto my deck where my logs & branches are setup. Cheating .. mmm!. Is it? | |
October 25th 2016
| As mentioned on previous posts I find myself birding closer to home, as fall and winter engulf us, and in this case at home. I have set up a small birding stake-out with a few logs and branches that allows me to photograph a few of our garden birds.. I can't say it's boring ... and in fact it's a lot of fun. Today I was visited by Chickadees, both Nuthatches and of course Blue Jays ... they are drawn here by my peanut feeder setup, I think. A few of our local squirrels are also attracted ... who woulda thunk? |
October 22nd 2016
Oct 15th - 19th October
| Fall is truly in full swing, with the colours changing quite dramatically - almost magical in some locations. The leaves are starting to fall, which although quite depressing knowing that winter is close, is also opening up the foliage making birds easier to see. Saying that I spent a few hours at Marie Curtis in Mississauga over the last couple of days looking to photograph the Le Conte's Sparrow that has made a stopover there, and although I did get a few sightings they were only when the bird was in flight. The rest of the time the bird stayed completely out of sight foraging in the reeds and grasses. However with the sightings I did get I was able to put a check mark, against this bird, on my Birding Life List. The longer I do this the harder it is to find birds to add to that list |
October 13th 2016
October 11th 2016
| It was another cool start to the day. A touch of frost which I suppose is a sign of things to come ... not sure I'm ready for the white stuff though. Plan was to check out a report of a Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Woodlands, but after a bit I realized if he is here, its not going to pose for me, so I finished the morning along the Hendrie Valley trail. Other than a few Waxwings and the usual garden birds I came away without too much to show. I usually pack in late morning to head home, but decided to check on Sedgewick. A ton of birds around, but mainly Yellow-rumped & Ruby-crowned. Nevertheless there was a lot of opportunities for bird shots with the quantity of birds concerned ... easily 30 or 40 around. |
October 10th 2016
| It was a bit of a shock to the system this morning. After a long and very hot summer, (right up to a week or two ago) a negative temperature chilled the bones, but at least it's not snowing yet. Every Thanksgiving weekend, for the last few years, I have went to Guelph Artboretum to photograph Hermit Thrushes (see my blog entries for the last 3 Octobers). Funny, they were found in the same thickets as previous years.... maybe same birds ... mmmm! BTW first of year Junco's today .. the harbingers of colder things to come , no doubt |
October 9th 2016
| A report late yesterday from one of the Hamilton Forums indicated that there was a 100 or so warblers present at Sedgewick. I hadn't been there in a few days so naturally it was worth another visit. I arrived 7:45 and found at the south end of the park that there was indeed a pile of warblers. Unfortunately it seemed that the majority were Yellow-rumped.... still great, but I would have liked to have seen more variety. I did however see and in some cases photographed a Northern Parula, Orange-crowned (brief glimpse so could be wrong) and a Chestnut-sided. THe Parula was my bird of the day ... I had seen it several times over the last few weeks, but never managed a decent pic... so I'm happier now ;) |
October 6th 2016
| Fifty Point Conservation Area had been "kind" to me a few weeks back and so I arrived hopeful. Not too many birds around but I did spot a couple of Wrens, a Swainsons Thrush and a few Kinglets. Last stop of the day was to 10th Road on the mountain at the end of Fifty Road. This spot has it's moments in late Fall and early Spring so as I was close I thought to check things out (you never know). Almost immediately I spotted a Northern Mockingbird and a bit farther along .. a Kestrel - both a nice change from Warblers. All images today using the 100-400 Mk2 |
October 3rd 2016
| As I left the house this morning the plan was to make a short visit to Sedgewick, then head down to Van Wagners in Hamilton, but ............ there was still a few warblers and Kinglets around, so by the time I was ready to leave it was close to 11am. Oh well maybe tomorrow for Van Wagners... maybe ! My nemisis this fall seems to be the Northern Parula - I've seen a few but I can't seem to get a decent image. Today I managed an OK shot, but not what I was hoping for. Other than that, a ton of Ruby-crowned Kinglets, which seem to be the predominant species at Sedgewick for the moment. Even the Yellow-rumped have thinned out somewhat, but still a few around .. for the moment. The Wilson's Warbler is still hanging in there, but was staying well hidden for the most part. I had an interesting fly-by .. an Avro Lancaster .... cooooool!! |