February 9th 2013
I should mention that Grass Lake is a pretty good place to visit in other parts of the year. I love the late Spring and early Summer, where in the past I have photographed Sandhill Cranes (there are least two regular nesting pairs), Bobolinks, Bitterns, Eastern Meadow Larks, Savannah Sparrows as well as numerous Warblers, Ducks and Grebes, etc.
All of the pics were taken on Saturday the 9th, so hoping to get out tomorrow - making the most of the good weather.
February 10th 2013
February 16th 2103
Trying out a new feature (for me anyways), featuring more of my Saturday morning visitors. In order (top to bottom) American Tree Sparrow, American Goldfinch, Cardinal, Common Redpolls, Goldfinch again and finally a Hairy Woodpecker. Nothing too special, but lots of fun nevertheless. Either press each thumbnail, or look for the slideshow "play" button which will appear as you hover over a position in the top left of the main image........
February 17th 2013
For those who are unfamiliar with the park ... Algonquin is Ontario's largest and best known Provincial Park. The park comprises 7725 square km of forest, lake and river, is home to over 260 species of birds, 40 species of mammals, 20 species of reptiles and amphibians and 1,000 species of plants. Below is some of the images I managed to get. My big find was the Boreal Chickadee ... A first for me!
24th February 2013
Today (Monday), I was driving along one of the rural back roads I often take to get to work and was distracted by a flash of colour and was pleasantly surprised to see a Pilleated Woodpecker - I stopped and watched this gorgeous bird for about 10 minutes ...always one of my favorites ... if I only had a camera.
I watched a TV show over the weekend that certainly made an impact on me .. an HBO production called "Birders: The Central Park Effect", a year long study of birding in Central Park New York - very nicely done!
Anyways, the time I saved not out & about, gave me the opportunity to review a few Photoshop Tutorials ... Post processing is a very important part of the process in getting that (almost) perfect pic.Well ... that about wraps things up for this month, and looking forward to great things that may or not happen in March. See you around!