29th September 2019
Location: Thornapple Loop | Weather: Mainly cloudy, with occasional sunny breaks |
A friend mentioned to me a couple of days ago, that the winds overnight Saturday should bring in a few migrants - good advice, as I found out. On my visit to one of my favoured spots near Dundas this morning there was almost immediately, after I arrived, birds of various species. Some were expected - the Black-throated Green and the Swainson's Thrush, but others not so much so. There was a single Gray-cheeked that popped into my view for about 2 seconds, but unfortunately I wasn't quick enough (not a rare event I may add). A bit later there was several Rusty Blackbirds, but not that close, so I had to do a fair bit of image cropping. Other nice birds were the Nashville, Orange-crowned and American Redstarts. The birds in general seemed to be foraging for bugs (I assume) as they drifted past my setup location, and after about an hour of fairly intense activity it quietened down, and after that I barely had another bird in my sights. |
27th September 2019
Location: Riverside Park | Weather: Dull and alternating sun |
25th September 2019
Location: Riverside Park, Cambridge | Weather: A tad breezy, but sun .. not the best for birding |
24th September 2019
Location: Burlington, On | Weather: Bright & sunny |
Our big find was a very vocal Carolina Wren down by the creek at Paletta - he came in quite close and was belting out his unmistakable song for us for several minutes, so I think all of is the group managed several decent shots, as he hopped from perch to perch. There were a few Warblers around but they kept well hidden for most of the time, so no NG "contenders" unfortunately ;)
23rd September 2019
Location: Riverside Park, Cambridge | Weather: Dull & drizzly to start, then sun & cloud |
Songbirds are always my target, and this morning I saw quite a few incl Nashville, Parula, Redstarts, Yellowthroats, Bay-breasted, but only the Parula dropped in low enough for a shot - oh well maybe next time. There was, however, lots of other birds incl Swamp Sparrow, Blue Jays, Grackles, Red-winged Blackbirds, Least Flycatcher, Cedar Waxwings, Chickadees, Downies and a few House Finches.
22nd September 2019
Location: Riverside Park Cambridge | Weather: Cloudy & dull to start then some sun |
Another, albeit very short visit, to one of my old haunting grounds, that I hadn't been to in quite a long time, was hoppin' this morning with a few Warblers and a mix of others. I'm referring to Riverside Park in Cambridge - a boardwalk through a swampland in the Preston area of Cambridge. Sightings were diverse - with Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Chickadee, Swamp Sparrow, Magnolia Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler, Cape May Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Downy Woodpecker, Blue Jay, Red-winged Blackbird, Common Grackle, American Redstart, Cardinal and likely a few that I'm not recalling. One thing I noticed was that there were way too many Red-winged Blackbirds etc for this time of year - these guys should be long gone. It's a popular spot for people to feed the birds, so it looks like the "free meal" is keeping them here. I'm told that there is a Carolina Wren as well as a Marsh Wren hanging out here, so don't be surprised if I have another blog entry from this great location, in the coming days. |
20th September 2019
Location: Tilt's Bush, Kitchener | Weather: Pleasant, mainly sunny |
Sightings were ... Blue-headed Vireo, Song Sparrow, House Wren, Tennessee Warbler, Northern Flicker, Eastern Phoebe, Coopers Hawk, Northern Parula, Wilsons Warbler, American Redstart, Chickadee, Goldfinches, American Robin, Blue Jay
19th September 2019
Locations: Thornapple, Woodlands, Edgelake | Weather: misty cool start, but warmed up quickly |
18th September 2019
Locations: Robertson Tract & Hilton Falls - Halton Region | Weather: Cool start but sunny and very warm later |
16th September 2019
Every day is a good day to photograph birds, but today the weather was nicely dull & subdued, with very soft lighting, so it was perfect. Along with a good friend we headed to Colonel Sam Smith Park in Toronto, where there had been some good bird sighting reports that needed to be checked out. Right now anywhere along the Lake (Lake Ontario) is generally pretty birdy, and this spot did have a ton of Warblers, but generally high up, and on a continuous move so not too easy to get any shots, but we did have a couple of moments where birds were a tad lower. What we did find though was a little pocket of Monarch Butterflies (20 or so) feeding on the yellow Ragweed, and was very photogenic. After lunch I impulsively headed to a spot on my way home, that I hadn't been to in several months, and was pleasantly surprised to find several Swainson's Thrushes and a few other species, including the shot below of the Northern Flicker. These guys can be really tricky to get in the viewfinder, but if you are quick, and lucky, then it's possible to get one in the can. All images are clickable to go full size, and hovering over will display species or description |
6th & 9th September 2019
2nd September 2019
It started off a little cool and not too much bird movement, but over the next few hours I witnessed a couple of waves of passing through migrants, but boy .. you had to be quick - they didn't hang around for long.
I think the count for the day was 8 Warbler species, the ones below and a couple of others - American Redstart, Black & White and Blackburnian (they were too quick for me), 3 Vireo species - Red eyed, Philadelphia and Warbling Vireos, and a couple of other oddballs - Catbird, Flicker, Rose-breasted Grosbeak & House Wren. .... all in all a good day.